St Albans Primary School Logo
“Love one another, as I have loved you”

Year 6 - St Patrick and St Brigid 2024 - 2025

Mrs Hayes

Mr Maguire


Welcome to Year 6

On this page you will find lots of helpful information to help you during your time in Year 6.


The Year 6 team:

Mrs Hayes

Mr Maguire

Mrs Marnell 


Our curriculum:

RE - We follow The Way, The Truth and The Life program. Our topic this term is Jesus the Messiah.

English - Our book in Pathways to Write this term is Island. Our book in Pathways to Read this term is The Explorer.

Maths - This term we will be learning about Measurements, Percentages and Ratio. 


Reading and Homework in Year 6

READING: Reading is an essential life skill and we encourage children to read as often and as widely as possible. It is expected that children will read for at least 15 minutes four times a week and that an adult will date / comment in and sign their 'Record Book' after each read. Reading books must be brought back into school EVERY DAY! When the children have completed their reading book three times they will be allowed to quiz on the book. They will need to achieve a minimum score of 60% to change to a new book.

MATHS: Children will bring a home a piece of Maths Homework every Friday that is to completed and brought back into school by the following Friday. They are also encouraged to complete at least 2 ten minute sessions per week on Times Table Rock Stars from Friday to the following Friday. 

READING: Reading is an essential life skill and we encourage children to read as often and as widely as possible. It is expected that children will read for at least 15 minutes four times a week and that an adult will date / comment in and sign their 'Record Book' after each read. Reading books must be brought back into school EVERY DAY! When the children have completed their reading book three times they will be allowed to quiz on the book. They will need to achieve a minimum score of 60% to change to a new book.

MATHS: Children will bring a home a piece of Maths Homework every Friday that is to completed and brought back into school by the following Friday. They are also encouraged to complete at least 2 ten minute sessions per week on Times Table Rock Stars from Friday to the following Friday. 

ENGLISH: Children will bring a home a piece of English Homework every Friday that is to completed and brought back into school by the following Friday. 

SPELLINGS: A spelling list is sent home every Friday to be learnt for a test the following Friday. Words are taken from our spelling sessions during the week in class.

P.E Days

Please send your child in wearing their school PE kit on Monday (inside) and Thursday (outside).

Please ensure that your child comes into school on these days dressed in the school PE kit.  


Relevant Links

Below are links to websites we frequently utilise in school. If the children have forgotten their log in details for any, please get in contact with the class teacher. 




TT Rockstars






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Year 6 - St Patrick and St Brigid: Calendar items

Back to School, by Miss O'Neill

Finish for Easter, by Miss O'Neill

“Love one another, as I have loved you”

Contact the School

St Alban's Primary School

Ashburton Road, Wallasey, Wirral, CH44 5XB

Headteacher: Mr John McDonald

0151 638

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