Meet the Staff
Senior Leadership Team
Headteacher: Mr J McDonald
Deputy Headteacher: Ms K Nuttall
Early Years and Key Stage 1 Lead: Mrs Murphy
Key Stage 2 Lead: Mrs Hall
SENDCO: Mrs Christensen
Pastoral and Attendance
Pastoral and Attendance Officer: Mrs Haig
Admin and Office
Office Manager: Miss O'Neill
Teaching Staff
F2: Mrs Murphy
Year 1: Miss McAvalvey and Mrs Christensen
Year 2: Mrs Webberley
Year 3: Mrs Hall and Mrs McCannon
Year 4: Ms Coogan
Year 5: Mr McGarry and Miss Neal
Year 6: Mrs Hayes and Mr Maguire
Teaching Assistants
HLTA: Miss Heaton and Mrs Marnell
Mrs Letten
Miss Starkey
Mrs Lane
Mrs Plant
Mrs Schorah
Miss Hughes
Mrs Skeggs
Mrs Ferns
Cleaning and Site
Site Manager: Mr Sayle
Mrs Connor
Miss Connor
Ms Birkett
Midday Staff
Mrs Connor
Mrs McDavitt
Mrs McGrath
Mrs Sherlock
Ms Arnott
Miss O'Hara
Mrs McMahon
Wraparound Care
Mrs Heaton
Mrs Marnell
Miss Hughes
Mrs Letten
Mrs Skeggs