English - Pathways to Spell
Pathways to Spell is an innovative and engaging programme designed to fascinate pupils about words. It is a research- based series of lessons following a Review, Explain, Practise, Apply and Reflect model. Through this programme, we aim to develop a school of spellers who use a series of strategies in lessons and in their independent writing.
Why are we introducing Pathways to Spell?
- Designed for whole class teaching of the national curriculum objectives for spelling from year 1 to year 6 with support and challenge for the range of learners in every class
- Comprehensive and progressive programme with a clear, research-based teaching sequence
- Combines consolidation of previously taught spelling patterns and rules in conjunction with new teaching
- Opportunities to review and reflect on learning supports pupils in development of key metacognitive strategies
- Spoken language underpins all the lessons – talk, exploration, play, hypothesising and experimenting is the foundation of the programme
- Collaborative learning is encouraged
- All spelling knowledge and strategies have been considered to ensure pupils learn through a multi-sensory approach
- Creates a spelling environment to support application beyond spelling lessons
- Modelling links to Pathways to Write
The Pathways to Spell programme is designed for whole class teaching of the Primary National Curriculum objectives for spelling from year 1 to year 6. It is a comprehensive and progressive programme with a clear, research-based teaching sequence. Each week combines consolidation of previously taught spelling patterns and rules in conjunction with new teaching with opportunities to reflect on learning. This will support pupils in development of key metacognitive strategies. Each half term, there will be 6 weeks of detailed planning with suggestions for additional sessions focused on pupils’ personal development of spelling strategies using personalised spelling lists. They are designed to be used for whole class teaching but sessions from previous year groups could be used as an intervention with smaller groups in addition to the whole class session. Every year begins with consolidation of rules from previous year groups which pupils often find tricky, or commonly misspell. Each term, there is a focus on common exception or word list words and homophones where appropriate. Each week consists of two spelling objectives: a review of a previously taught spelling pattern or rule and a mastery spelling focus – the key learning outcome for the week.
Sessions follow a clearly structured cycle for learning across either 1 or 2 weeks, depending on the complexity of the mastery focus being covered. Each session will be timetabled to last between 20-30 minutes, with 4 sessions per week in KS1 and 3 sessions a week in KS2.